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Chakwas is present on the SSV Normandy when it is destroyed by the Collectors. I'm wondering whether there's a way to do this without sending any escort at all. Okay, here's a 'presumptive' plan on how to go through with this. Something ought to be changed. STORE Home Discovery Queue Wishlist Points Shop News Stats.
Karin Chakwas
If Shepard Yeah, Chakwas is one of the harder characters to kill off (only if you don't send an escort). I didn't even know she could die until not too Lastly, you will also need to decide whether to send somebody to escort the Normandy's crew out of the Collector Base: If you choose somebody Loyal to escort Or you can send a Loyal squadmate to escort So yeah, the Michel thing is essentially there so that any player, even those who let Chakwas die In any case, Shepard will then choose whether or not to assign a squadmate to escort Dr. Chakwas and any remaining survivors back to the Normandy.Don't have an account? Chakwas is present on the SSV Normandy when it is destroyed by the Collectors. Little can be known for certain, but she most likely grew up in a region where there were other people who spoke British English. Jenkins: Is it confirmed that she talks about Jenkins AND Ashley if Ashley died on Virmire, or are they separate anecdotes? If Tali rejoins the crew, Chakwas makes sure to stock up on dextro-compatible medical supplies. Chakwas gratefully comments that Shepard and Joker are the truest friends she's ever had. Čeština Deutsch Español Français Polski Русский Українська. On illium who should I have liara kill? Make it Mordin. Chakwas as she had never officially been a part of Cerberus, and she had a proper leave of absence from her previous job. JohnXL , February 7, UTC Ive played through both sexes, and every time I talk to her about this, She only talks about Alenko and Jenkins. My source: the codex entry "Dr. Sqarkplugz talk. Where i can find citadel? If spoken to for the first time after Priority: Tuchanka, she has comments about missing Mordin and his ability to "work up a hurricane. Main Quest. And I have had both die on Virmire. Commander, I've done further investigation regarding your facial scarring, and the old adage of "mind over matter" holds true. Super Walkthrough Pathfinder Ryder Augmentations Mods Research Development Narrative Actions Profiles Romance. Shepard can replenish the squad's medi-gel stocks from the infirmary where she is usually working. Chakwas on the Normandy since she has been there from the first. On the eve of the final battle on Earth , Chakwas congratulates Shepard on having come a long way from the days under then-Captain Anderson's command on the original Normandy. Manual of Style Community Guidelines Files Guideline Chat Policy Information Sourcing Manual of Style. I'm interested to hear what she says. I believe the above unsigned post is correct. Discussions Rules and Guidelines. Perj , April 3, UTC. Send anyone that's loyal I sent Mordin and they made it back okay. Don't have an account? This article states that she dies if an escort is not chosen, but also says she is guaranteed to make an appearance in ME3. Or is the flowchart actually accurate and what I said in the OP is impossible? we just happen to have another one! twosocksofchaos 14 years ago 4. Just play the game yourself and find out. Chakwas and any remaining survivors back to the Normandy. How exactly do I keep both Jacks and Mirandas loyalty?