To describe the prevalence of risk factors in patients infected with hepatitis C virus HCV. Patient data on socio-demographic and clinical characteristics and pre-defined risk factors were collected. Among 1, patients, The mean age was Almost half of the patients Genotype 1 and sub-genotype 1 b were detected in At least one risk factor was present in The most frequently reported risk factor was major dental procedures Our results revealed that most of the patients with HCV infection underwent major dental procedures. Hepatitis C virus HCV can cause both acute and chronic hepatitis, ranging in severity from a mild to a serious, lifelong illness 1. Despite the high prevalence of the disease, most people infected with this virus are unaware of their infection 2. Thus, risk factors for HCV infection should be defined according to the current demographic characteristics and prioritized according to national characteristics. Even though HCV-associated risk factors were previously investigated in Turkey, most of these studies were single-center studies and might not reflect national data 4,5. A multicenter study was conducted in Turkey; however, this retrospective study evaluated sustained virologic response rates achieved by dual therapy in treatment-naïve patients with HCV and did not evaluate HCV-related risk factors 6. Here, we describe the prevalence of risk factors in patients infected with HCV across Turkey. Challenges arose stemming from the absence of national epidemiologic studies on HCV Receiving Oral Sex Hiv Risk Turkey and the Receiving Oral Sex Hiv Risk of robust data on the regional distribution of the disease based on the geographic definitions within the country. This study was planned to contribute data regarding the regional distribution of HCV infection Receiving Oral Sex Hiv Risk provide additional data to the current national database for patients infected with HCV and the joint activities of societies and associations linked to liver diseases in Turkey because there has been no similar study performed in Turkey. The study was initiated on May 2 nd, after obtaining Ethics Committee İstanbul University-Cerrahpaşa, Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine approval in conformation with the Declaration of Helsinki and conducted between June 5 th and December 28 thapproval number: D, date: Infectious disease speciality and gastroenterology sites were selected based on their patient population and their ability to appropriately conduct the study. All patients signed an informed consent form before their inclusion in the study. The investigators chose HCV risk factors from the definition of populations with high HCV prevalence, which was provided by the World Health Organization WHO [April version of the current guideline 1 ], and classified these factors according to the local population characteristics. Interventions such as angiography, piercing, tattooing, and circumcision were defined as minor surgical operations 4and other surgical interventions such as intra-abdominal and intrathoracic surgery were considered as major surgical operations 7. Tooth extractions, implants, endodontic surgery e. The primary endpoint of the study was the prevalence of specified risk factors present in patients with HCV. This cross-sectional, multicenter study was performed in a single visit in different geographic regions of Turkey to describe characteristics of an HCV-infected population and to evaluate the prevalence of risk factors. Each site enrolled patients consecutively until the number of patients allocated to that site was reached. Among the 81 cities located in Turkey, at least one patient was enrolled from 71 cities. Patients who attended routine clinic visits were consecutively included in the study. The sample size calculation was based on the frequency of patient-reported risk factors in patients with HCV. Data from all clinical assessments were summarized using mean, standard deviation SDand percentages. For comparison of categorical data for two or more groups, a chi-square test was used. The normality assumption was tested for all continuous variables using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Missing values were not interpolated, and no sensitivity analysis was planned. A total of patients were enrolled in the study. Female patients constituted Most of the patients were living with their parents or family members Almost half of the study population were primary school graduates Table 1. Other concomitant diseases included chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and HBV Table 1. Additionally, minor surgical operations were reported in The secondary endpoint of the study was to determine the frequency of pre-specified risk factors according to the age and sex of the patients and duration of infection. Within this group, most of the patients underwent a major dental procedure This study was designed to explore the prevalence of pre-determined risk factors of HCV transmission. For the determination of risk factors, the guideline for HCV screening published by the WHO 1 was taken into consideration because population groups with high HCV prevalence were defined in this guideline.
Hekimler, bu yolla ancak birkaç gebelik sağlayabilmişlerdir. Infectious disease speciality and gastroenterology sites were selected based on their patient population and their ability to appropriately conduct the study. Balkan Med J. Increasing awareness of viral hepatitis may help to reduce the prevalence of HCV because transmission of HCV through all pre-determined risk factors is preventable. The most frequently reported risk factor was major dental procedures
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X must thus have realised that his acts entailed, as a probable consequence, subjecting [the complainants] to a risk that they would be contaminated with HIV. Research to date has focused mainly on high-risk men who have sex with men, but many women around the world are also at a high risk for HIV. Recent Rape/Sexual Assault: National Guidelines on Referral and Forensic Clinical Examination in Ireland. Perinatal HIV infection from HIV positive mother can occur in the intrauterine period, during labor and delivery, and through breast milk postnatally.The sample size calculation was based on the frequency of patient-reported risk factors in patients with HCV. Dilara İnan Female patients constituted Despite the high prevalence of the disease, most people infected with this virus are unaware of their infection 2. Kondomu düzensiz olarak kullananlar incelendiğinde, HIV infeksiyonu bulaşma oranı yaklaşık olarak her ilişkide 1 olarak saptandı. DOI: Yusuf Yılmaz 19, Does per-act HIV-1 transmission risk through anal sex vary by gender? Afrika'da yapılan bazı çalışmalar, erkeklerde HIV infeksiyonu ile genital ülser varlığı arasındaki bağlantıyı göstermektedir. Increasing awareness of viral hepatitis may help to reduce the prevalence of HCV because transmission of HCV through all pre-determined risk factors is preventable. Hacettepe Üniversitesi. A multicenter study was conducted in Turkey; however, this retrospective study evaluated sustained virologic response rates achieved by dual therapy in treatment-naïve patients with HCV and did not evaluate HCV-related risk factors 6. Almost half of the patients Epidemics in perspective. Türkçe Turkish English. People living with HIV stigma index implementation guide. The most frequent comorbidity was diabetes, which is strongly associated with HCV HIV-related knowledge and stigma--United States, J Istanbul Univ Fac Dent. Oral health status and associated factors in a subpopulation of Turkish patients. Son yıllarda, sperm vericilerinde HIV taraması yapay döllenme öncesi şart olmuştur. Osong Public Health Res Perspect. Ann Intern Med. Vajenin çeperindeki ufak yarıkların virüsün kan dolaşımına girmesindeki esas yol olduğu tahmin edilmektedir. Yeditepe Dental Journal. Makale Dosyaları Tam Metin. Orhan Sezgin