Dicle x Baris. Visit Tumblr Blog. Explore Tumblr blogs with no restrictions, modern design and the best experience. Last Seen Tumblr Blogs. Fun Fact. Tumblr has DicBar baris x dicle dicle x baris dicle ertem baris havas menajerimi ara ahsen eroğlu deniz can aktaş AhDen. He watched his younger self on the tiny television, eyes full of hope- a far cry from his current state- and looked around. Everything about the house seemed like a museum; from the TV, to the peeling paint, to the sheet covered sofas like relics. Preserved to keep his worst memories intact. He wondered why they even kept this house in this condition when none of them were living here. But then he remembered he didn't know how long he could afford his current house, when the path ahead seemed so bleak. So many houses, no home. Younger Barış chose that moment to remind him of all his shattered dreams, " I'm sure there are good days ahead of me! The piercing ring of the doorbell interrupted the video; someone had clearly glued their finger to the ringer. His temper, which always seemed to be bubbling under the surface these days, spiked and he welcomed the anger. He opened the door, fully intending to give the idiot a piece of his mind- and couldn't believe his eyes. The sting of the slap barely registered. But she wasn't done yet. He'd never seen her in a temper like this. I've been losing my mind with worry! I thought something happened to you. How I Lk Seks Tumblr days have I been looking for you? How many days have I been dying with worry?! Bir şey soylesene! Ya cevap versene Barış! Just bore the onslaught of her fury. What I'm going through? And yet I'm not leaving everything and running away. I'm not leaving my loved ones alone. Weren't we going to fight together? Weren't you going to be next to me? Gently, so gently, with a tenderness he could not find the words for, for the all the apologies he wanted to say. Her breath caught in surprise and she opened her mouth hesitantly. His pulled softly at her lips- so sweet- taking one last taste. Even this had been enough to quieten the chaos in his head. Dicle watched a tear fall unbidden down his cheek, as he waited for her reaction. She could still feel the I Lk Seks Tumblr of his kiss, containing a wealth of things unsaid. I missed you. I'm sorry. So she decided to answer back. She kissed him again, not gentle like him, but devouring him, the pent up longing finally finding a release.
Whenever he would come back drunk, hearing whatever mahalle gossip there was, twisting it in his mind. And Benim Tatli Yalanim. Bunu nihayet nasıl doğru yapılacağını bildiği bir şeydi. Barış laughed and sat up. He saw her again with her arm immobilized and her face bandaged, the burnt skin so thin that the caress of the wind would have been enough to shear it. I remember them- a version of them- from my childhood.
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