User Username Password Remember me. Language Translator. Effects of planned education on genital hygiene behavior of adolescent females in a secondary school: A quasi-experimental study in northern Cyprus Arzu Abiç, Gamze Yatmaz, Meltem Altınışık, Ahu Aksoy Can. Abstract This study was conducted as a pretest-posttest quasi-experimental design to determine the effect of planned education on the genital hygiene behaviors of secondary school female students in northern Cypurs. The research was conducted with adolescents. The paired sample t-test was used to analyze the data. It was determined that only After education, there was a statistically significant increase in the GHBS scores and its dimensions, indicating the effectiveness and necessity of genital hygiene education. Genital hygiene education had a positive effect on the knowledge and practices of adolescent females. Therefore, planned education on genital hygiene, in which nurses play an important role, can be conducted regularly educations and home visits. Afr J Reprod Health ; 28 [2]: Full Text: PDF. Hemşirelik öğrencilerinin perspektifinden genital hijyen davranışları. Genital hygiene behaviors and health outcomes of female students living at the university. Dalbudak S and Bilgili N. GATA Kadın hastalıkları ve doğum polikliniğine başvuran kadınların genital hijyen davranışları ve bu davranışların vajinal enfeksiyona etkisi. Gülhane Tıp Dergisi ; Itriyeva K. Evaluation of vulvo vaginitis in the adolescent patient, Current Problems in Pediatric and Adolescent Health Care ; 50 7. Genital hygiene behaviors of midwifery students. International Journal of Caring Sciences ; 13 3 Protection and risk: male and female genital microbiota and sexually transmitted infections. World Health Organization. Sexual health-a new focus for WHO. Blakemore SJ. Development of the social brain in adolescence. J R Soc Med 3 Oğul Z. Adölesan ve gençlerde cinsel sağlık üreme sağlığı: etkileyen faktörler ve sorunlar. Bajracharya S and Baniya A. Awareness of menstrual hygiene among adolescent girls at a government school, Chitwan, Nepal. Journal of Chitwan Medical College ;12 2 Türkmen H and Karagüzel EN. Gençlerin genital hijyen tutumlarını etkileyen faktörler. Sürekli Tıp Eğitimi Dergisi ;30 3 The relationship between self-care, positive family environment, and human wellbeing, Wellbeing, Space and Society Male Escort In North Cyprus 3. Menstrual hygiene among adolescent girls - A study from urban slum area. J Family Med Prim Care ;7 6 Belayneh Z and Mekuriaw B.
I am hopeful but staying optimistic with the current situation worsening every day is hard. Since the TRNC elections in , expressing ourselves freely has become more challenging. Terms Privacy Copyright Academia © Sürekli Tıp Eğitimi Dergisi ;30 3 , Öğrencilerin kitap okuma tutumları ile kitap okumanın değerlere etkisine yönelik görüşleri arasında pozitif ve anlamlı bir ilişki olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Click here to sign up.
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We are the only Cypriots without citizenship, silenced in TRNC for years, says Turkish Cypriot peace activist. This poor male lad is in Guzelyurt and has been kept under boiling heat, without water or food. Escort boy in Kemer will show you the real passion. I unleashed him and he followed me. Incall; Outcall. According to the results of the study, among the reasons why students choose to be nurses take place the fact that they want to help people and provide them. Meeting with. Available for men; Available for women. Incall / Outcall. Change Location.Ölçme aracı olarak Schwartz Değerler Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Knowledge and practice of genital health and hygiene among adolescent girls of Lalitpur Metropolitan City, Nepal. Female murderers: examination of the relationship between childhood traumatic experiences and anger expression İ Akduman, D Çelik, N Tiftik Journal of Human Sciences 13 1 , , Forensic Psychology. There are thousands of couples who have babies thanks to…. Keywords: TRNC, unemployment, worries about finding jobs, reasons for unemployment, education. Bakery owner witnesses gang rape in Palermo Soho neighborhood of Buenos Aires. The Fragility of Democracy. In addition, the relationship between value priorities and socio-demographic variables age, sex, level of education, origin is observed. Among several questions, the interviewer inquired if Cypriots identify as Europeans. De-catalysing Effects of the Cyprus Hydrocarbon Issue. D Celik Sosyal Medya ve Psikoloji, , Özet Bu çalışmanın amacı Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti'nde KKTC yer alan ilköğretim okullarına öğretmen yetiştirme politikalarının analiz edilmesi ve bu politikaların geliştirilmesine yönelik önerilerde bulunmaktır. This success, marking nearly two years of my dedication, has garnered pride from family, friends, and political leaders across the Republic of Cyprus and Northern Cyprus. In time, I modified my dialect to ensure effective communication. He has still been offering service in Gynecologic diseases, infertility and in vitro fertilization treatments together with his team under his own centre Dogus Hospital which he founded in He actively engages with world leaders, demonstrating a commitment to addressing pressing international matters, particularly those related to refugee crises and the effective functioning of international institutions. Turkey is currently witnessing a significant internal power struggle and unpredictability regarding the future, making it very difficult to evaluate how it would react in the event of a permanent agreement between the two Cypriot communities. The sample of the study was chosen from students studying in universities in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. Human rights lawyer brutally assaulted by police, arrested on false charges during a protest in Argentina. The negotiation process led by the UN does not come to a conclusion due to the Greek Cypriots' non-acceptance of political equality, equal identity and equal human rights. Full Text: PDF. The sample of the study was chosen from students studying in Egg Donation. Some suggest that lack of recognition forces political elites to democratize and acquire internal legitimacy to compensate for the lack of It is uncertain if things will improve or get worse, especially regarding freedom of thought and expression. We deserve better living conditions, which is why I work for peace and reunification. OR Sign Up. Tatar, the current Turkish Cypriot leader, backs the two-state solution. The aim of this research is to analyse critical thinking styles of university students according to gender, socio-economic level and class independent variable. Epidinium ecuudatum, Epidinium graini, und Ophrymco fex purkynjei. One of the questions that patients who are considering starting egg donation treatment are wondering about is "How much is egg donation treatment? Şevket Alptürk or fill out the contact form in the contact section.