Risk Factors for Cervical Cancer 1 The risk factors increasing the risk of having cervical cancer is common in all different cell types. Whatever the Should I Have Sex If I Have Hpv type is the prevalence increases with the common risk factors. You may see many of these risk factors on internet. To summarize and to give a little bit of detail:. Being sexually active at an early age. Frankly, we, gynecologists, do not want the women to have vaginal intercourse before the age of The reason is that the transformation zone at the cervix, which contains a lot of metaplasic cells the HVP loves to infect, contains metaplasic cells in a broader area during youth compared to adult women. Thus, as the age of being sexually active decreases the cervical cancer risk increases. There is also the sociological side of the issue. What is the difference? When you sign the document will those metaplasic cells go away or the little girls are magically protected against HPV? So what is the difference? We can see that the state is ignorant about marriages at age of 15 and under. However, even the official data are disastrous. Adding to this the ones married under the age of 15 the situation Should I Have Sex If I Have Hpv really bad but we do not want to see this. The issue is non-political for me and my colleagues, the issue is the increase of the prevalence of the illness and the health of the society. There is a famous study of Edebiri. It is published in The result of the study is striking also for us: He found out that if a girl has an intercourse within one year after the menstruation starts and is infected with HPV the risk of this girl having cervical cancer increases 26 fold!! In the view that these are innocent children, they made love to each other, let us marry them, do not forget that you face your girl against a real serious risk of cancer. I do not event talk about the girls married at an early age having no chance to go to school or not growing together with their coeval friends and undertaking the role of mother without consent. In brief, please do not do this! Using institution of marriage to cope with the instinct impulses arising in adolescence is a big mistake. Serious problems incur due to the people of this country who think to marry off to get rid of. This is a problematic application regarding the HPV prevalence and infection because, as I said, we gynecologists do not want the girls to have vaginal intercourse before the age of Answer to what can we do is education. How it is applied? If you ask the ideal, it is the age of There is a strong study, more than 8 thousand cases are collected in an international platform and the results are published in According to the results of this research, the HPV prevalence of the ones who have intercourse in between ages of increases 1. Comparison of risk factors for invasive squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma of the cervix: collaborative reanalysis of individual data on 8, women with squamous cell carcinoma and 1, women with adenocarcinoma from 12 epidemiological studies. Int J Cancer. As I said, it is the age of The most disturbing thing for the women is to catch HPV infection despite having intercourse with a single partner. And there is infollution on internet. Honestly, it is an interesting concept. Who to call polygamist can be discussed for years. Actually we can define this concept in two different ways: The first is partner frequency and the other one is safety of intercourse.
Journal of Health Sciences and Medicine
Risk Factors for Cervical Cancer 1 | Conclusion: Anogenital condylomas cause negative effects on female psychology and sexuality, and excisional intervention seems to have a. Thus, ladies the most important thing is to use condom during intercourse, if not possible then the person you are together with being circumcised, being a non-. Genital Warts in Men |Diğer kanser bölgelerinin aksine, serviks erken teşhis için taramaya tabi tutulabilir. Condoms can decrease the probability of infection but as it only covers areas until the root of the penis, the root area is contactable, and infection is a possibility. Servikal kanser taraması 65 yaşına kadar devam etmeli ve son 3 sonuç temiz çıkarsa sonlandırılabilir. But in both men and women, the flat condylomas are present. Enfeksiyondan kansere ilerleme yaklaşık yıllık bir gecikme süresine sahiptir.
Genital Warts
It is recommended to administer three doses of the vaccine and it should be administered before a sexual debut, and before HPV infection. It. Conclusion: Anogenital condylomas cause negative effects on female psychology and sexuality, and excisional intervention seems to have a. Oral and Anal Transmission: HPV can be transmitted through oral sex sexual intercourse, or if pain occurs outside of the menstrual period. Thus, ladies the most important thing is to use condom during intercourse, if not possible then the person you are together with being circumcised, being a non-.If 12 weeks of treatment does not yield results, then it might cause even more warts. Particularly, as a result of pathological evaluations, it is tried to determine what type of virus is. J Sex Med ; 6: — Work on HPV infection on men are new and we still lack detailed information on the issua. Important points on choice of treatment:. Cancer: ; 1 : — It is hard to use. Serviks kanseriyle ilgili gerçek zorluk, tedavi yöntemlerini uygulamak değil, erken teşhisle ilgilidir. For long time, Chlamydia and HPV relation has been discussed. But the question we gynecologists ask ourselves frequently is: Why do we detect high grade cervical lesions in women whose boyfriends or husbands are diagnosed with genital warts? Öz Objective: HPV is a sexually transmitted virus with over two hundred subtypes. This is toxic for normal skin. It is effective and can solve lesions with one session via local anesthesia. After an initial evaluation, condylomas excised using carbon dioxide laser followed by a medical assessment in the 3rd post-excisional month. Incidence: The number of new cases that occur within a limited time period generally 1 year. Eser Ağar , Seda Şahin Aker. But in both men and women, the flat condylomas are present. It should not contact the surrounding environment. Meme Kanseri Cerrahisi. Temmuz ;4 4 Disclosure of anogenital warts to sexual partners. Hastalığın evresine bağlı olarak, radyoterapi ve cerrahi sunulan tedavi yöntemleridir. Yorum verilerinizin nasıl işlendiği hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinin. Tespit ve tedavi daha erken evrelerde yapılırsa, sağ kalma süresi ve şansı artar. Actually we can define this concept in two different ways: The first is partner frequency and the other one is safety of intercourse. J Sex Med ; —9. Banura et al.